Thursday, January 7, 2010

Top 10 Things We Have Learned--It's Always Groundhog Day

We have had a number of people ask about this type of cancer, we are still meeting with the doctors concerning treatment and prognosis.

Things we have learned from Mom's stay at the hospital:
  1. Warning--don't always believe what your doctor tells you, it is hazardous to your health.
  2. Mom says, "Go Eat." Que for us to leave her alone.
  3. When the nurse asks, "What is your pain on a scale of 1-10?"....response "Beyond a 12!"
  4. And if nurse than asks "Do you need any pain medication?"...response, "No I like to be miserable, thanks for asking."
  5. Mom, "What the heck is the time?"....response, "What time do you want it to be?"
  6. Mom, "I'll start tomorrow."....response, "Sure you will."
  7. Mom's feeding bag is called the steak and potato meal, but if it comes in pink its not strawberry.
  8. How many nurses does it take to change a bag, we don't know we are still counting.
  9. Mom has developed a 7th sense....the sense of somebody sitting down, the sense of somebody falling asleep, the sense of somebody relaxing....her instinct to this sense "I need just one more thing."
  10. Most common sound in the hospital--beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep.....beep!
We Love Mom:)


  1. Thanks so much for keeping us all updated on Chris' fight. You are all an inspiration to us. As we read through this posting, we are amazed at how well you are all dealing with this difficult time. Keep up the fight and if there is an errand to be run give us a quick call and we will take care of it for you. Really!
    Lots of Love, Darren, Heidi and the boys

  2. Kristi and Lori,
    I love your top 10 list! I am glad to see you are able to have a little fun in this difficult time. Keep smiling. Prayers are with you always, give Chris a hug and kiss for me. Love ya
