Friday, December 25, 2009

Another rough day

The hour is late and Mom is finally sleeping. Another extremely rough day. It seems she takes one step forward but falls five steps back. Her words whispered to me truly indicates how Mom struggled today--"I don't want to do this anymore, I can't do this anymore, please take the pain away."


  1. we have been thinking about you and praying for you and your family. All of our love, Maxine and Bob

  2. Chris... hang in there!I am praying for your strength and recovery! MERRY CHRISTMAS! I love you!

  3. Oh Kristi,

    I know many people are commenting to your mom. Unfortunatly I don't know your mom, but I am here to support you. I can't imagine the emotions you are feeling right now. You have been in my thoughts daily. It's crazy at what life throws our way. You are a stud though. Hang in there. There are so many people who love you. Your mother will be in our prayers.

    Much love,


  4. Chris My Sis! My heart breaks to know of the pain you are in. I wish I could help bear that to ease your burden. You are not alone. You have more people praying for you that you could ever count. We love you so much and are here for you...encouraging you to hang in there and don't give up! Tomorrow will be a better day...I have ordered that for you. I love you so much and weep for you. You are in my thoughts and prayers constantly. Most of all the Lord knows your pain and weeps with you. It will all get better! My Sis Chris! How I love you!!!

    Jeanne Cahoon

  5. I hate to think of Chris in so much pain. I know we all wish we could just take it all away. Please let her know that I am praying for her strength and comfort. It's so hard to watch someone you love suffer, I just can't make sense of it.... Stay strong and don't give up.

  6. We are thinking about you Chris, and praying for you. I know the Lord knows and hears our prayers for you. We are aware that the Savior knows your needs and we know He will bless you..Love, Revis and Myron
