Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Bad days can get worse

Mom is beyond miserable today. She did not sleep at all last night fighting pain. When talking her to this morning she said "I don't want to do this anymore."
Pain management is working with her to try to manage the extreme pain she is experiencing. She is back on the pain med drip as well as oral pain meds. Pain management is also considering putting the epidural back in. The pulmonary specialist also came by to check on her lungs--the fluid may need to pulled from her lungs again. She is retaining more and more fluid everyday which will be absorbed into the empty places in her body (lungs). It is unbelievable to see how swollen she is. The physical therapist worked on moving her legs back and forth. (She is unable to walk, yesterday the PT moved her from her bed to the chair.) She did get out of bed today. She couldn't. Today is a set back which the docs knew and said would take place along with many others. She is experiencing depression which is to expected. Yes bad days can get worse however small steps become the greatest blessings. May we all find peace in the words of Mark 5:36 "....be not afraid, only believe."

Note: this update is not only for those who want to know how Mom is doing but is a Journal for Mom to read to understand what she went through everyday to fight cancer.


  1. My Sis Chris... I know this must be so painful and extremely difficult...I can't begin to imagine. I am so distraught to know you are in so much pain. I can't stand the thought of you hurting so bad. It truly breaks my heart. You hang in there Sistor! Do your very best. I know you are...don't give up. So wish I could see you and be with you!! Love you so much!!

    Jeanne Cahoon

  2. Dear Chris,
    It breaks my heart to hear you are in so
    much pain. I hope you know how much we all
    love you. I wish I could take on your pain
    and give you relief. I know you have faith
    and that faith will get you through this trial. Don't lose heart ! !
    Love you,

  3. Dear Chris, It makes me so sad to know that you are having to go through a difficult time. Please know that there are countless people holding you close in their hearts, thoughts and prayers.

    Love, Gwen Clouthier

  4. Dear Chris
    My heart aches so for you! I wish I could take away some of your pain. Remember Scarlet O'Hara's saying tomorrow is another day and will be better! My love and prayers are with you continually. I wish I could put my arms around you and absorb some of your pain.

  5. Dear Aunt Chris,
    I hate to hear what a difficult time you are having. Know we are thinking about you and your family. I read how Kristi reads you cards and letters and I hope you have gotten our Christmas newsletter. If not, it is waiting for you at home when you return. :) I thought about you when walking into Wal-mart today!! I thought "How can people be doing their same ole stuff when good people are hurting and life is difficult for them?" I know life doesn't stop for others but I stop and think of you and Jack and sweet Kristi! Keep fighting you fiesty one!
    Love, Susan Cahoon

  6. Chris,
    I am so sorry that you are hurting the way you are. Just know that so many people are praying for you and eventually the pain will get better. We miss you terribly and want so much for you to get better and to fight this. Please take comfort that you are always in our thoughts and in our hearts and prayers. Stay strong.
    Love ya, Julie Wood

  7. Chris we know that you can do this. I am so sad that you are in so much pain. I wish I could take the pain away. We miss you!! You are a very strong person and have such great faith. So many people are praying for you. Take care give our love to Jack and your family.
    With much Love Denise Pierro
