Thursday, December 17, 2009

Some bad followed by some Good

The day started off without any improvement and even a little regression. The pian medication was changed and the new stuff was not working so the pain management docs had to do some more changes. After making the pain med adjustments Mom started to improve at about 4 pm. One of Mom's many docs came by and told her he was going to remove the tube from her nose which was removing the bile from her stomach. The biggest event for Mom was right after removing the tube she had her first sips of water. This made her very happy. Her blood pressure has started to stabilize at a normal range but there is still concern about her kidney function. So we count today as a victory and are grateful for Mom's improvements. We know your prayers are working.
Today we also read Mom the messages from all of you and she loved them. Thanks for all your messages we really appreciate them.


  1. Hang in there Aunt Chris. We pray for you every night.

    Mark, Trish and the kids

  2. Kristi- I never got a chance to tell you how much I appreciate you and John for spending the time keeping us updated on this blog. I know how hard it is to spend a long day at the hospital and then to come home and post an update for all of us! It brings us all together...
    To all of you- your prayers and thoughts of my mother are appreciated beyond words. She needs all of your prayers and faith and couldn't do it without each and everyone of you!

  3. Chris,

    We were so glad to hear about your good day yesterday.. Jackson and Sierra said they are thinking about you and can't wait to see you when you are feeling better. You don't know how much you have touched our family by being our friend (and grandma). We love you so much. Hang in there and keep fighting. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.


    Ben, Angie, Jackson and Sierra Lawley

  4. We are saying our prayers and keeping our fingers crossed for the best. We'll have new flower waiting when you get home.

    Michael and Becca

  5. Dear Chris & Jack, Please know that Charles & I are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. Chris, I treasure our friendship throughout the last 50+ years and there are so many memories that make me laugh. Know you are surrounded by a sea of prayer to uphold you and your family. And thanks to Kristi for the blog. Jeanne told Eileen who called me.

    Love, Gwen Clouthier

  6. Dear Jack and Chris,
    I was in the Salt Lake Temple today and put you both and your family on the prayer roll. How wonderful it is to be in such a wonderful place and feel the power of prayer. So many prayers are flowing your way, continue to fight this awful illness. My thoughts and love are with you all.
